My Split-Face New England Fieldstone has a color and texture
like no other stone.
Cobble stones make a nice edge for your driveway or a nice
garden surround.
For something a little more substantial, I can custom split
stones for a wall or curbing.
A superior quality dry-laid stone wall can be constructed with
the right materials.
House numbers, pet memorials, or your message can be engraved
permanently in stone.
I can design your project and engrave it on one of the
many stones I have available, or I can engrave your design on your
These mailboxes will remain standing long after the
Postal Service has closed its doors.
A stone pedestal makes a safe place to keep your prized
Pet Memorial
Stones make a nice centerpice for your garden and are great
boundry markers.
A pair of stones makes a great marker for a driveway.
I can cut, split, and shape, stones to almost any shape you
I can provide you with a high quality building material for
your next project.
No historic stone walls have been dismantled for use in any of
my stone projects.